Cogiteam – Gathering Tools Partner


Consulting and services to the needs of its customers, clearly specialized and expert in its areas of intervention, COGITEAM includes sixty consultants working with its corporate customers.

While having Ambitious growth targets, COGITEAM retains the primary concern of ensuring the quality of its operations and customer satisfaction
COGITEAM acts for clients in various industries: Banking, Finance, Insurance, Utilities, Media, Distribution, Publishers …


Key figures
Creation date 2007
Headcount 60 employees
Headquarter 50 rue de Miromesnil 75008 Paris France
  • Paris
  • Nantes (France)
  • Bruxelles
| Turnover 2011 4.2 M€


Consultant Versions Certification
Armand Peyret-Forcade 3.5, 3.7 consultant-junior
consultant-certifieGathering Tools Certified Consultant, able to manage a project from end to end and to serve as support to other developers.
consultant-juniorJunior Gathering Tools Consultant receiving priority support from Calame Software.